
First, create a client:

from ftc_api import Client

client = Client(token="Insert Token Here")

Alternatively, use your username and access key, and the token will be automatically generated:

from ftc_api import Client

client = Client(username="test", authorization_key="****-****-****-****")

Now call your endpoint and use your models:

from ftc_api.api.season_data import get_v2_0_season
import ftc_api

client = ftc_api.Client(username="test", authorization_key="****-****-****-****")
my_data = get_v2_0_season.sync(client=client, season=2023)
print(my_data.game_name)  # CENTERSTAGE
# or if you need more info (e.g. status_code)
response = get_v2_0_season.sync_detailed(client=client, season=2023)
print(response.headers)  # server headers
print(response.content)  # raw text

Or do the same thing with an async version:

from ftc_api.api.season_data import get_v2_0_season
import ftc_api

client = ftc_api.Client(username="your username here", authorization_key="****-****-****-****")
my_data = await get_v2_0_season.asyncio(client=client, season=2023)
print(my_data.game_name)  # CENTERSTAGE
# or if you need more info (e.g. status_code)
response = await get_v2_0_season.asyncio(client=client, season=2023)
print(response.headers)  # server headers
print(response.content)  # raw text

Things to know#

  1. Every path/method combo becomes a Python module with four functions:

  2. sync: Blocking request that returns parsed data (if successful) or None

  3. sync_detailed: Blocking request that always returns a httpx Request, optionally with parsed set if the request was successful.

  4. asyncio: Like sync but async instead of blocking

  5. asyncio_detailed: Like sync_detailed but async instead of blocking

  6. All path/query params, and bodies become method arguments

  7. If your endpoint had any tags on it, the first tag will be used as a module name for the function

  8. Any endpoint which does have a tag will be in ftc_events_api_client.api.default